Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Up and down, up and down...

 Had a grand old day out on Sunday. Quick 2 mile run to the nearest park, then 15 hill reps (about 600ft in total).

Strange but I always find these sorts f things, far easier than a plodding session on the road. I manage to run harder, further and enjoy it all. I suspect it's all about positive mental attitude, which for some reason I suffer from when running.

Perhaps I need an I-pod.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Half marathon Training

Well Yesterday I put in my largest stint running...ever. That "ever" makes me sound like 12 :)

Managed a leg busting 11 Miles, in a not too shabby 2hr.

By eck, it did hurt at the end a little.

Could of been one of the poorest days yet though, as I set off and all I could think of was all my aches and pains. Knees, feet, shins, Calves, goin, back...even a headache (who said excercise is good for you).

Anyway, after my initial Mile, i hada slow walk to try to get my head straight (I'm so bad on myself), then decided just to do another mile and home!!

Little did I know, I was about to do a mammoth run.

During the second mile, things started to click and off I went, on my usual 4/6 Mile route. After the 6 Mile came and went, I did the same lap again (well the 4 mile version of it).

I must say at the end, I was dragging my feet with me, but 11 Miles is 11 Miles. All set for my half marathon at the end of sept :)

Monday, 16 August 2010

Cycling and running!!

Obviously I'm being mental!

yesterday I was suffering the worst case of man flu, for 100 years (I was sure I had the plague), so today I decided to do a 35 Minute bike ride (7 Mile), with a 4 Mile run a few hours later (with a friend).

I actually enjoyed every single minute of both!!

So looks like I have a monday training partner now, she's training for a 10K race and wants to get fit. So she's stupidly asked me to help her.

She's either a glutton for punishment, or genuinly thinks my "No pain, no gain" style of training suits her :D

Sunday, 15 August 2010


Finally a bit of sun! You'v got to love the English weather, and summers in-particular!

Anyway, did a bit of cycling, managed 11k (7 miles), chain fell off once, and every set of traffic lights turned Red as I approached :)

Still apart from the low flying Fruit that hit me on my shoulder, all went pretty much well (my knee gave me a little jip).

Might try a 5k tomorrow to see if my times are improving!!

Friday, 13 August 2010

"Curry Run"

Strange name, I'm sure it's something to do with eating a curry for the winner of the series.

Anyway....Did the "Curry run" last night, with 8 or 9 Preston harriers, 7 Mile run across streams, hills, fells, trails,  bogs; hell even some slabs and stairs thrown in for good measure.

Very hard run, but pleased about the climb up the "Great Hill", managed part of it running, well running being the wrong word, think more of a jog slower than a walk..

Well got round in an amazing time of 1hr 27minutes (it's pretty good for me), but feel let down as I'm sure I could of done it quicker.

It's weird all this running, and I'm disseminated in doing a 7mile, 1300ft fell run, in under 1 and a half hours!!

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

no laughing!!!!

Sat down today at my PC, and nearly blacked out from a shooting pain in my right knee!! (why is it always my right leg??).

Looks like Ice will be the method of recovery tomorrow, plus a small jog to see the damage!

Monday, 9 August 2010

10k timed and done!

I suppose it is also my PB too, as it's the first timed and GPS tracked one.

So in celebration of a 10k in 1hr 3mins, I'm going to crack open a bottle of volvic, and dance the night away. Well that's a bit of a lie, I'm going to sit here, legs reeking of "Deep Freeze", and in muscle spasms!!

It was only supposed to be a quick jaunt out as I was feeling very fatigued from the 30mile cycling I did on Sat, but it went a bit further. My first mile involved me walking, stopping, scratching my arse and anything else but running!! Shame really, as I could of got under the hour mark, if I'd known I was doing 10k!!

Still, gives me plenty of scope to beat it now :)

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Is cycling a good alternative!!

Today I spent 2 1/2 hours riding my sorry ass, up 1000ft of roads. By the end of it, I couldn't, if i wanted, go up any more hills.

felt terrific for doing it it, but is 21 miles of cycling, going to improve my running?

Well, it should help with my CV, as at times my lungs where popping out of my mouth. So hopefully, the next time I run, I should be able to go a little further (fingers crossed).

No doubt I will let people know how much of a superman I was today :)

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Small Jog to keep me going

Now the race is off, I managed a 4Mile run (38 minutes), nothing too serious, just enough to loosen the old legs. Got a long long long long cycle on sat, can't wait :D

Race Off

Today's 10k is off. After myself suffering from the cold earlier in the week, my training partner Lindsey has succumbed to it too. Last thing anyone wants to do is jog whe4n under the influence of a cold, I know I didn't :D

Monday, 2 August 2010

1 mile run, and a PB

Like a week of PBs for me. First it was a PB for a 5 mile run hill run (57), then it was a PB for a flat 4 Mile run (37), now it's a PB for a 1 Mile run (7.30).

All in Prep for my 10k on Thursday (which to be honest I'm dreading a little, as the previous races all seem to be full of pretty quick racers!)

So a nice PB today for my 1 Mile, hopefully run tomorrow to break my 5k Record of 28 Mins...hopefully!

Sunday, 1 August 2010

New PB for 4 Mile!

Well it might be, then again it might not, but since it's the firs time I timed doing 4 Mil.es, it's now classed as my PB :D

Anyway, thought I'd get a small run in for preparation of my first 10K this coming thursday.

The route takes me down a 200ft hill, then back up it, followed by a further 2 miles on the flats (pretty much).

The entire run took me 37minutes, which I am well chuffed about. was a little bit of walking in there (since my phobia of hills is back :( ) and a final 8 minute mile at the end (which again, quite pleased about).

If I can sort  out my hill climbing, I'll be thinking about knocking 3 or 4 minutes of this time pretty soon.